3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815

Birth Control


If you aren’t ready to have children or you are you finished having children, we have the right birth control solution for your particular situation. We provide contraception counseling so we can help you select the proper birth control method for your needs.


We offer hormonal methods such as the implant, the skin patch, shots, birth control pills, the vaginal ring and a hormonal IUD. In addition, we offer intrauterine devices (IUDs), which are inserted into the uterus and are very effective and are considered safe.


Barrier methods include diaphragms, sponges and condoms, which are not as effective as hormonal methods. Natural family planning, which is also known as fertility awareness, can be somewhat effective if both the man and woman are attentive and careful. We also perform permanent birth control solutions, such as tubal ligation. This is only recommended if you don’t want to have any more children.


Sometimes birth control methods are limited because of chronic health problems. We will take the time to assess your needs and suggest the most suitable options for your needs. Call us today to schedule an appointment for contraception counseling.